Monday, 5 March 2012

Analysis Opening Sequence #1

Movie : Children of Men
Camera Movements
At the beginning it begins with a crow of people inside a cafe watching the television. The mid shot of this part shows the interest in what is being played on TV. Everybody is very close together all eager to hear the news.
There is also another TV behind the crowd of people. This way the audience is able to see what they can see too. This is a very clever way of showing what is going on TV, instead of having a close shot of the TV screen every so often.
As the main character (Clive Owen) makes his way out of the cafe the camera also follows this hints that he is the main character in this film. At the same time it helps the audience get a glimpse of "London" and how it is like outside.
As you may have realise the camera does not cut and carries on until the bomb explosion. The camera follows Clive Owen from behind until he stands still to mix something with his coffee, at this point the camera continues to move around him to the side, this means the audience is able to see the bomb explosion and able to see what Clive sees.
Mis En Scene
Nobody in the cafe was spotted as a young person, everybody were adults.
Everyone was wearing normal everyday clothing, there was not unusual costumes
All the expressions in the cafe seemed very serious due to the shocking news on the TV
The colour of the movie was grey-ish, blue-ish. This makes it looks very dusty, cold and creates a mysterious atmosphere.
At the beginning the sound of the news reporter is heard, this straight away tells the audience that there is something important happening. Also there is a small amount of non-digetic sound during this news report.
However as Clive Owen leaves the cafe there is more digetic sounds of the roads, traffic, vehicles. This makes the explosion more shocking as it would have seemed like everything was normal just before it exploded.

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